Passion Love Meditation Dedication Concentration Relaxation Perfection - just cook....

Friday 13 August 2010

Grilled vegetable terrine

click HERE for a printable version

Since I take my second "profession" as a part time tourist guide for our visitors quite seriously I did not find the time yesterday to do my work on my postings. We´ve been  roaming the streets in and around Stockholm for the last two days. But since some "complaints" have reached me that my friends family is not having any food on the table due to a lack of recipes I will catch up on this today.

I had prepared a Grilled Vegetable Terrine yesterday and luckily summer came back to Stockholm so it turned out to be just the right dish for a sunny and warm day.

If you would like to prepare it, you will need the following ingredients: (serves 6 as a starter)

3-4                      red bell peppers, cleaned, seeded and cut in quarters
2                         yellow bell peppers, cleaned, seeded and cut in quarters
1                         large eggplant, cut into slices of 0,5 cm lenghtwise (use a breadslicer
                           if you have one)
2                        small zucchini, cut into slices of 0,5 cm lenghtwise
6 tablespoons     olive oil
1                        large red onion, sliced thinly
75 g                   raisins
1 tablespoon      concentrated tomato puree
1 tablespoons     red wine vinegar
600 ml                tomato juice
3 tablespoons      gelatine powder (or 3-4  sheets of gelatine)
                           salt, pepper
                           fresh basil leaves


6 tablespoons  olive oil
2 tablespoons  red wine vinegar
                       sea salt, black pepper

  • Set the bell peppers on a baking sheet and place them underneath your oven grill until the skin turns black. Place them in a freezer bag and let them cool off a little. Then peel the skin off and set aside.
  • Place the eggplant slices and the zucchini slices on separate baking sheets. Paint them with olive oil and grill them in the oven until they turn golden brown, turning them once.
  • Heat the remaining olive oil in a frying pan and stew the onions for 3-4 minutes. Add raisins, tomato puree and red wine vinegar and let the liquid reduce. Set aside.
  • Paint a terrine mold or loaf cake pan (1,5 L) with some oil and line it with clingwrap letting it hang well over the sides.
  • Heat half of the tomato juice in a sauce pan. Season with salt, pepper and e.g. sellery salt, tabasco, lemon juice.... as you like. Add the gelatine powder (if you´re using gelatine sheets, soak them in water before until soft, drain the water and add to the warm tomato juice) and let dissolve over low heat.
  • Place a layer of red bell pepper on the bottom of your mold/ cake pan and cover it slightly with the tomato juice. Then repeat this with the other vegetables - having the onion in the middle - always covering with a little juice. The last layer should be the other half of the red bell pepper.
  • Add the other half of the tomato juice to the remaining juice in the saucepan, Rectify the seasoning and pour it onto the terrine. Move it around a little so the juice can spread in the mold. Cover the mold with the overhanging cling wrap and set into the fridge for a couple of hours.
  • Mix all the ingredients for the vinaigrette. Turn the mold and take off the clingwrap from the terrine. Cut with a sharp knife into thick slices, drizzle with vinaigrette and sprinkle with the fresh basil.
Bon Appétit!

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