Passion Love Meditation Dedication Concentration Relaxation Perfection - just cook....

Saturday 7 August 2010

The ultimate summer soup

This cold little soup is so very yummy on a hot summer day but you have to see to it to use tomatoes of a really good quality (organic if possible) and they have to be ripe.
It has a nice effect if you serve this soup in a glas that was cooled in the freezer before.

This recipes I´ve drawn from one of my favorite cookbooks from Lea Linster, Avec amour. Her cooking is unpretentious so you don´t spend hours over preparing a single dish but the results always are really satisfying.

For 4 - 6
1 kg                        ripe Tomatoes (e.g. Roma)
1 teaspoon               Salt
1 tablespoon            powdered sugar
4 tablespoons           very good Olive Oil
2 tablespoons           Sherry vinegar
4-6 teaspoons          Goat Cream Cheese
8-12                         Mintleaves
                                a bit of coarsely crushed black pepper

Wash the tomatoes and cut out the green core (is it called that? Well, I hope you know what I mean). Cut up roughly then puree with the hand blender and add salt, freshly ground pepper and the powdered sugar. This you now pass through a hair sieve into a stainless steel bowl (if you have one, otherwise glas will do). With a wire whisk mix in 3 tablespoons of the olive oil and the sherry vinegar. That´s all for the moment. Now your soup has to rest some hours in the fridge. Before serving it stir it once more. Add a teaspoon of the goat cream cheese to each glas or bowl, fill up with the soup, pour a couple of drops of the remaining olive oil onto each serving and devorate with the finely cut mint and the coarsely crushed black pepper. Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Toll silke!
    Das Muss ich probieren.
    Du bist so eine gute Köchin!!!
    Ich mache noch immer einen Mediteranean Salat nach, den Du hier in Bue mal zu uns gebracht hast. Es war alles lauwarm: Paprika in 3 Farben, Tomaten, Knoblauch usw...super gut!
