Passion Love Meditation Dedication Concentration Relaxation Perfection - just cook....

Sunday 14 November 2010

Apple Pie

click HERE for a printable version

What is better on a gray and rainy day than a house filled with the tempting fragrance of freshly baked Apple pie - I thought and set work on realizing my idea. It worked out, lifted all the spirits. Therefore I gladly pass on the recipe for this comforter to help all of you who are facing a long and hard winter (por supuesto también se pueden disfrutar después de un asadito o en el hipico ;-) ).

German Apple Pie

150 g softened butter
150 g sugar
1     tablespoon vanillasugar
3     eggs
200 g flour
1     teaspoon baking powder
1     pinch of salt
       lemon peel from 1 lemon
2     tablespoons calvados or rum

800 g cleaned Apples, cut into small pieces
80   g hazelnuts, ground
80   g sugar
1/2  teaspoon cinnamon
80   g butter, melted

butter and a little flour to grease and dust the springform tin

All the ingredients should be at room temperature when preparing the dough.

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Peel and core the apples. Cut them into small pieces. You should have app. 800 g after cleaning them. Mix with the juice of 1 lemon.

Mix egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar and beat until white. Then add the softened butter and continue stirring. Beat the egg whites. Sift the flour and mix with the baking powder and a pinch of salt.

Add the calvados and the lemon peel to the butter mixture and half of the egg whites and mix carefully. Then add the flour and the rest of the egg white and work in gently.

Grease and dust a springform tin of 26 cm. Fill in the dough and pour the apples ontop. Bake on the middle rack for app. 40 minutes.

Mix the ground hazelnuts with the sugar and the cinnamon.
Take the cake out of the oven and pour the hazelnut mixture and then the melted butter evenly onto the cake. Bake for another 10 to 15 minutes and let cool on a rack.

Can be served with whipped cream.

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