Passion Love Meditation Dedication Concentration Relaxation Perfection - just cook....

Monday 9 August 2010

For me it makes all the difference - a homemade soupstock

click HERE for a printable version

I know, I know, a lot of you might say "god, it can´t be that different to a bouillon cube" but I am quite passionate about this topic. For me a homemade stock makes all the difference and it will show in the result. The taste of whichever sauce, risotto, for a nice soup as a basis, a chicken fricassee or chicken pot pie.... whatever you will prepare, it will be enhanced in flavour. It´s just indispensable for good cooking. In China families pass on the "Master Stock" over generations. They always add a new chicken - or just some bones- and the works, but a little bit of the stock is always left in the pot. This, of course, only works if you use chicken stock on a daily basis, otherwise you will need to cool it in the fridge for some days until you will be using some again and "rebuild" it with fresh ingredients.

The great  part about preparing your own stock is that it´s really not that much work you might think it is. I will pass on the recipe for my chicken stock. You can freeze it in portions and always have some ready when you need it.

1                            chicken (appx. 2 kg)
1                            onion
3 teaspoons            sea salt
1                            tomato
1                            carrot
1/4                         celery root (otherwise 2-3 stalks of celery)
1                            small leek
1                            parsley root (otherwise some parsley stems and leaves)
8                            black pepper corns
1                            bunch frech Thyme
2                            bay leaves

  • Halve the onion and rost it in a non-stick frying pan without fat until it has a nice, dark colour. This is important for the colour and aroma of your stock.
  • Rinse off the chicken under cold, running water and put it into a big cooking pot. Add 4 liters of water and the salt and let it come to a boil.
  • Take off the emerging foam all the time. This will ensure a nice and clear broth in the end.
  • Meanwhile you have time to wash, clean and cut into small pieces all the vegetables. Wash the herbes.
  • Add all the herbes, vegetables and spices once the broth is boiling.
  • Reduce the heat and let it simmer on low heat for 2 - 3 hours.
  • Take out the chicken (this will be great for a frikassee, sandwiches, chicken salad, .....)
  • Pass the stock trough a fine sieve and if desired once again through a sieve layed out with a cloth.
  • If you prefer to degrease your stock, let it cool in the fridge over night. The next day you can easily take of the fat from the stock.
  • Now you can use the stock right away, freeze it in portions, keep it in the fridge for more or less 3 days or fill it into preserving jars once it´s boiling hot, close them and turn them upside down for about 5 minutes. This way, the stock will keep for3 months in the fridge.

1 comment:

  1. Die Fotos von den Zutaten!! Auch ein Hit!!!!!!
