Passion Love Meditation Dedication Concentration Relaxation Perfection - just cook....

Monday 9 August 2010

Super easy american style cheesecake

I was on the phone the other day with my sister in law who just celebrated her xx birthday. We came to talk
about cooking etc. and she mentioned this cheesecake to me that she had prepared to take to her colleauges in the office to share. Since  it appealed to me, I thought I´d give it a try and it was really nice. Thank God everybody - besides my husband - managed to get a piece before the rest of the cake dropped on the floor taking a detour - fruit side down of course - over my cream coloured chair during the "foto session". Well, sh... happens.

Today I topped the cake with a puree made from frozen raspberries and fresh raspberries to decorate. But of course you can use your imagination here. Almost any fruit will do and will give a different taste to this cake everytime you prepare it.  So try it!

Sol, probablemente te va a gustar la receta para un postre rapido....en todo caso tienes una receta a mano para satisfacer "la trailla" en el hipico en el caso de que Andrés se va a caer algun día... :D

click HERE for a printable version

To prepare the dough you will need:

200 g                  shortbread, crumbled (just put them into a freezer bag and roll over with the rolling pin.)
2-3 tablespoons  sugar
1 dash                 cinammon
75 g                    melted butter

For the filling:

800 g                  cream cheese (e.g. Philadelphia)

200 g                  sour cream

200 g                  sugar

2 teaspoons         vanilla extract

4                         eggs

2 tablespoons      flour

50 ml                   milk

For the topping:

100 g                 sour cream,
                         any fruit and/or fruitpurees you prefer

  • Butter your springform (26 cm) (can´t believe that´s the correct name in english, well, anyway, I mean your cake pan.) Mix the ingredients for the dough with a fork and pour them into your cake pan pushing with a spoon or your fingers. Let it rest a while in the fridge. Preheat your oven to 170C°.
  • For the filling mix the sour cream and the cream cheese (both need to have room temperature) with sugar and the vanilla extract. Add the eggs one by one and at last add the flour and the milk.
  • Carefully pour the filling onto the dough and bake it for 60 minutes. Let it cool in the oven with the ovendoor opened. This prevents your cheesecake from tearing.
  • After it has cooled completely you can coat it with the sour  cream and the fruit/ fruitpuree you have chosen. Serve the rest of the fruit sauce on the side.
  • For the raspberry puree I used two packages of frozen raspberrys, a bit of powdered sugar and a little lemonjuice. Puree this with the hand blender and pass it through a hair sieve.


  1. We are lucky neighbours and got a piece of this fabulous cake. Delicious was the verdict from the three of us. Highly recommended!

  2. Thanks, thanks, thanks!!! I think I'll use double cream instead of sour cream since there is no "sour cream" here in Argentina . I'll let you know how it goes..
    By the by... Please, let's hope there are no falls from horses!! I'd rather invite just because

  3. Silke, es wird wie in diesem Film "Julia", ich werde Dich nach-backen (kochen)!
    Toll die Rezepte!!!!

  4. Thanks to all of you. It´s so motivating to get your feed back.
    And of course Sol I also hope there won´t be any falls!!
    By the way, if you need sour cream, one way to substitute it is by adding some fresh lemon juice or white vinegar into fresh cream and let it stand at room temperature for 24 hours.
    In this case you can also use for the cake full fat Mendicrim or Casancrem and for the topping whipped cream.
