Passion Love Meditation Dedication Concentration Relaxation Perfection - just cook....

Thursday 19 August 2010

Medaillon of pork with Chanterelle

Today my son Lenny wanted to help me cook - actually he completely took over. So I contented myself with giving instructions and just watching him and it´s really fun to see with what enthusiasm he is "at work". I´m a bit reliefed to know that my family might get something warm to eat the next 10 days, since I won´t be here. Unfortunately I won´t have any access to the internet either so I can´t post anything until the first days of September.

Today we prepared one of my husbands favorites, medaillon of pork with Chanterelle.

You will need for 4 servings

1                  pork tenderloin (700 g)
250 g           chanterelle
2                  shallots, in fine dice
40 g             bacon, in fine dice
20 g             dehydrated porcini, soaking in 200 ml hot water
2 twigs         fresh thyme
                   salt, pepper, concentrated chanterelle or porcini stock (if you have)
                   oil and butter
250 ml        heavy cream
                  some fresh parsley, chopped 
250 g          fettucine

  • Clean the chanterelle with a brush. If possible do not wash them with water. Heat a frying pan and add some oil and a little butter. Fry the shallots and the bacon for 2 minutes and then add the chanterelle and fry on high heat for 2-3 more minutes. Take out of the pan and keep warm in the oven at 100°C.

  • Clean the tenderloin and cut it into 12 medaillons. Season with salt and pepper and cover slightly with flour. Fry in oil and a little butter until golden brown on both sides. Be careful not to leave them in the pan to long, they get dry too fast. 1-2 minutes on each side is enough. Set them on a plate and leave them in the oven as well.
  • Add the finely cut porcini to the pan and after 1 minute add the soaking water from the porcini and the thyme twigs. Let the liquid reduce until there´s only a couple of tablespoons of liquid left. Add the liquid cream and let cook for a couple of minutes until the cream is a little thickened. Now season with salt, pepper and a little concentrated stock. Take out the thyme twigs and combine the sauce with the meat and the chanterelle. Sprinkle with parsley.
  • Cook the fettucine as indicated on the package and serve.
What do you think about
                                                                       my napkins??

1 comment:

  1. Muss ich sofort nachkochen!!
    Maiken (aus Bue!!)
